Live With Yourself! Novel Pdf

In the tapestry of life, we often find ourselves searching for a sense of belonging and purpose. “Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF embarks on a poignant journey of self-discovery, delving into the complexities of human relationships, inner struggles, and the pursuit of authenticity.

Through its intricate narrative and relatable characters, this novel invites readers to embark on a profound introspection, examining the choices we make, the masks we wear, and the true essence of self-acceptance.


Live With Yourself! is a novel by David Gilmour that explores the themes of identity, self-acceptance, and the nature of reality.

The story centers around Miles, a man who is struggling with his life. He is unhappy in his marriage, his job is unfulfilling, and he feels like he is going through the motions without any real purpose. In a desperate attempt to change his life, Miles undergoes a mysterious procedure that promises to create a better version of himself.

However, the procedure goes awry, and Miles finds himself with two versions of himself. The first Miles is the old Miles, the one who is unhappy and unfulfilled. The second Miles is the new Miles, the one who is everything the old Miles is not. He is confident, successful, and happy. The two Miles must now confront each other and come to terms with their own identities.


Miles: The protagonist of the novel, Miles is a man who is struggling with his life. He is unhappy in his marriage, his job is unfulfilling, and he feels like he is going through the motions without any real purpose.

New Miles: The new version of Miles that is created after the procedure. He is everything that the old Miles is not. He is confident, successful, and happy.

Kate: Miles’ wife. She is a successful lawyer who is often critical of Miles.


The main conflict of the novel is the conflict between the old Miles and the new Miles. The old Miles is unhappy with his life and wants to change, while the new Miles is happy with his life and does not want to change. This conflict forces the two Miles to confront each other and come to terms with their own identities.

Another conflict in the novel is the conflict between Miles and Kate. Kate is a successful lawyer who is often critical of Miles. This conflict puts a strain on their marriage and forces Miles to question his own worthiness.


The novel ends with Miles coming to terms with his own identity. He realizes that he does not need to be someone else in order to be happy. He also learns to accept himself for who he is, flaws and all.

Miles and Kate’s marriage also improves. Kate learns to be more supportive of Miles, and Miles learns to be more assertive. The two of them work together to create a happy and fulfilling life.

Character Analysis

The novel “Live With Yourself!” delves into the intricate depths of human character, exploring the transformative journeys and complex relationships of its cast.

At the heart of the story is the protagonist, a man grappling with the existential weight of his life. As the narrative unfolds, he embarks on a transformative quest, confronting his inner demons and seeking a path towards self-discovery.

Protagonist’s Journey

  • Initial struggles with identity and purpose
  • Embracing vulnerability and confronting past traumas
  • Rediscovering his passions and forging meaningful connections

Supporting Characters’ Roles

The protagonist’s journey is intertwined with a cast of supporting characters, each playing a pivotal role in his transformation.

  • Mentor: A wise and enigmatic figure who guides the protagonist on his path
  • Love interest: A source of emotional support and inspiration
  • Antagonist: A formidable obstacle that challenges the protagonist’s beliefs and values

Psychological Depth and Complexity

The characters in “Live With Yourself!” are portrayed with remarkable psychological depth and complexity. Their motivations, desires, and fears are laid bare, inviting readers to empathize with their struggles and triumphs.

  • Emotional turmoil: The protagonist experiences a range of intense emotions, from despair to elation
  • Cognitive dissonance: Characters grapple with conflicting beliefs and values, leading to internal struggle
  • Subconscious influences: The novel explores the hidden forces that shape characters’ behavior and decisions

Themes and Symbolism

Live With Yourself! explores profound themes and utilizes symbolism to convey powerful messages about life, identity, and the human condition.

The novel’s central theme is the search for identity. Miles, the protagonist, grapples with questions of who he is and what his purpose is. The cloning process forces him to confront his own mortality and the nature of his existence.


Symbolism is a crucial literary device in the novel. The doppelgänger, or double, is a prominent symbol that represents the division within Miles. It embodies the parts of himself that he both embraces and rejects. The mirror is another symbol that reflects Miles’s struggle to reconcile his inner and outer selves.

The forest where Miles retreats symbolizes his journey of self-discovery. It represents a place of both danger and renewal, where he confronts his fears and finds a new path.

Author’s Message

Through Miles’s journey, the author conveys a message about the importance of self-acceptance. Despite his flaws, Miles learns to embrace both his strengths and weaknesses. The novel suggests that true happiness lies in finding peace with who we are, even when we don’t always understand ourselves.

Writing Style and Narrative Structure

Paul Tremblay’s writing style in Live With Yourself is characterized by its dark humor, sharp wit, and insightful observations on human nature. The novel is written in a conversational, first-person perspective that draws readers into the protagonist’s psyche and makes them complicit in his increasingly bizarre and unsettling journey. Tremblay’s use of short, punchy sentences and fragmented paragraphs creates a sense of urgency and unease, reflecting the protagonist’s deteriorating mental state.

Narrative Structure

The narrative structure of Live With Yourself is equally unconventional and effective. The novel unfolds through a series of flashbacks and flashforwards, gradually revealing the protagonist’s past and foreshadowing his uncertain future. This nonlinear structure keeps readers on edge, as they piece together the protagonist’s story and try to anticipate what will happen next. Tremblay also employs a variety of literary devices, such as unreliable narration and dream sequences, to further disorient and unsettle the reader, mirroring the protagonist’s own confusion and disconnection from reality.

Historical and Cultural Context

Tommaso Pincio’s Live With Yourself! was written during a period of significant social and political upheaval in the United States. The novel reflects the anxieties and uncertainties of the time, as well as the growing sense of alienation and isolation that many Americans were experiencing.

Social and Political Issues

The novel’s depiction of the protagonist’s struggles with identity and self-worth mirrors the broader social and political issues of the 1970s and 1980s. This period saw a decline in traditional values and a rise in individualism, which led to a sense of fragmentation and alienation among many Americans.

The novel also reflects the growing distrust of authority and institutions that was prevalent during this time. The protagonist’s experiences with the mental health system and the government are both characterized by a sense of powerlessness and disillusionment.

Influence of Other Works

Live With Yourself! was influenced by a number of other works of literature, including the works of Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, and Jean-Paul Sartre. These writers shared Pincio’s interest in exploring the themes of alienation, isolation, and the search for meaning in a meaningless world.

The novel also reflects the influence of the counterculture movement of the 1960s and 1970s. The protagonist’s rejection of traditional values and his search for alternative ways of living mirror the values of many counterculture figures.

Comparison to Other Works

Similarities and Differences with the Author’s Other Works

Live With Yourself! exhibits both similarities and differences compared to other works by the same author. One striking similarity lies in the exploration of existential themes, particularly the complexities of identity and the search for meaning in life. As in previous novels, the author employs a blend of humor and philosophical insights to delve into these profound questions.

However, Live With Yourself! also stands apart in its unique approach to these themes. Unlike earlier works that primarily focused on individual experiences, this novel introduces a science fiction element that allows for a more nuanced exploration of identity. The protagonist’s ability to create an identical clone raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of self and the consequences of manipulating human existence.

Comparison to Other Works in the Genre

Within the science fiction genre, Live With Yourself! draws parallels to works that explore the implications of human cloning and the ethics surrounding it. Novels like Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale have examined the societal and personal repercussions of advanced reproductive technologies.

While sharing these thematic threads, Live With Yourself! distinguishes itself by its comedic tone and its focus on the protagonist’s psychological journey. The novel’s exploration of identity and self-discovery through the lens of a clone provides a unique and refreshing perspective within the genre.

Unique Contributions to Literature

Live With Yourself! makes several significant contributions to literature:

  • Exploration of Identity and Cloning: The novel provides a thought-provoking examination of the nature of identity in the context of human cloning, raising questions about the boundaries of self and the implications of creating artificial life.
  • Humorous Treatment of Existential Themes: By combining humor with philosophical insights, the novel offers a unique and engaging approach to exploring profound existential questions, making these themes accessible to a broader audience.
  • Exploration of Human Nature: Through the interactions between the protagonist and his clone, the novel sheds light on the complexities of human nature, revealing both our strengths and weaknesses as we navigate the challenges of existence.


“Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF is a literary masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of fiction. It serves as a timeless reminder of the transformative power of self-reflection, the importance of embracing our vulnerabilities, and the unwavering pursuit of a life lived in alignment with our true selves. Its pages resonate with wisdom, compassion, and an unwavering belief in the human spirit’s resilience.

FAQ Summary

Is “Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF available for free download?

Yes, you can find free PDF versions of “Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF on various online platforms and e-book repositories.

What is the main conflict in “Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF?

The protagonist grapples with a profound internal conflict, struggling to reconcile the societal expectations and pressures with their true identity and aspirations.

Are there any sequels or prequels to “Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF?

Currently, there are no known sequels or prequels to “Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF.

What is the significance of the symbolism used in “Live With Yourself!” Novel PDF?

The novel employs powerful symbolism throughout, using metaphors and imagery to convey deep emotional truths and explore the complexities of the human psyche.

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